Logo Hike Privacy Policy


Logo Hike is devoted to keeping its clients’ information safe and secure. We never disclose any of your information with anyone outside our organization unless you give us permission to do so. Moreover, we only collect specific data of our clients required to complete the order.


Our sources of information include email, phone, form (Contact Us and Order Form), and online tools, such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and others. Client data is never shared, sold, or revealed to third-party services.In addition, complaints, feedback, and remarks about the product are collected as part of the data collection process.In case of technical information, we require an IP address, browser version, operating system, and the date and time of your visit.

Data Application

The information we gather assists us in providing the correct information;the billing information is required for the payment process, whereas the email addresses are used to communicate order status, comments and opinions, and final product delivery.Furthermore, we can send emails about website updates, special offers, the debut of a new product/service, and industry news.This information helps us improve our marketing efforts and compile a list of the most popular products.

Payment Privacy

We accept different payment methodsto ensure the highest level of payment privacy. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), denoted in the domain as “HTTPS://,” is used by the payment processor when clients enter their billing information. As a result, we guarantee that the privacy of the payment process and billing information is unaffected.

Confidential Information

Our client’s information is a critical aspect of our working mechanism, and we ensure that it is kept safe under strict conditions.

To keep in contact with you, we prefer to utilize your personal information, including name, billing address, e-mail addresses, fax, and other details. Your credentials are only accessible by designated members so that there is no threat of any embezzlement. Alternatively, it will not be issued to any third party unless it is allowed by your approval or we are forced by law.


In drastic measures, we can amend our privacy policy if required. In addition, the complete amendment plan will be updated to the client with prior notice of the date of amendment or updated private policies.

Disclosing Information

We are bound to provide the clients’ credentials under certain conditions:

  • Abiding judicial judgments
  • Court orders
  • Any other legal procedure

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns about our policy, please contact us through our ‘Contact Form.’

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